Saturday 29 July 2017

I spotted this during the week and thought I'd post it up for the weekend

Its via HSBC, titled 'FX and yield curve', and the broad 'rules of thumb' are summarised below:

The market is increasingly fixated on the prospect of unconventional tightening. In the US the focus is on a reduction of the Fed balance sheet and in Europe there is an expectation of a tapered rate of bond buying by the ECB.

In a normal tightening cycle, hikes in policy rates would lead to an increase in short-term interest rates and this has typically led to a stronger currency. The FX market understands this process well. However, if unconventional tools are used as a substitute for rate hikes, how do we deal with this in the FX market?

Unconventional policy measures may change the shape of the yield curve as much as they change the level of rates. So to answer this question we need to measure how changes in both the level and shape of the curve influence exchange rates.

Rules of thumb
  • We have modelled the relationship between changes in swap rates and FX returns. We note the following rules of thumb:
  • Not surprisingly, higher rates are associated with a stronger currency.
  • Once we have accounted for the change in the overall level of rates, a steepening curve is associated with a weaker currency.
  • When both the level and the slope of the curve change, the change in the overall level of rates is the most important variable.
These rules of thumb can help you to translate your views about interest rates into the FX space.

Model behaviour
  • In addition to the broad rules of thumb above, two other notable results will be helpful to those of you building formal models:
  • It is not just the interest rate differential which matters. In the FX market it is common simply to compare the FX return to changes in an interest rate differential. However, we find that this approach can miss important information and suggest that it is better to consider rates from both currencies as separate variables, rather than simply the differential.
  • The model parameters change over time. The sensitivity of FX to rates changes over time. This means that model parameters must be frequently updated to prevent them becoming stale.

Friday 28 July 2017

EUR/USD and GBP/USD Forecast


The EUR/USD pair initially tried to rally during the day, but pulled back on Thursday. There was quite a bit of volatility during the US session in all markets, so this one of course was nonimmune. By the time the day ended, we did start to see a little bit of strength edge back into the pair, and we are most certainly bullish currently. However, we are getting a bit overextended so pullback would make quite a bit of sense. I would anticipate that the 1.15 level below should offer some support though, so any falling from here should be thought of as a potential buying opportunity based upon value.



The British pound also tried to rally initially during the day but then turned right back around to form a rather bearish looking candle. Because of this, it looks as if the market is going to try to pull back towards the 1.30 level where I would anticipate there should be some interest. If we can break down below there, I’m not overly concerned until we break down below the 1.2850 level. Move below there has me selling this market aggressively. Otherwise, I anticipate that there will be buyers below, and that it’s only a matter of time before we can take advantage of value in a market that has broken out as recently as just a couple of weeks ago. The British pound continues to strengthen overall, and of course the US dollar is on its back against most currencies, so this pair of course isn’t going to be any different over the longer term. Thursday was a challenge, but quite frankly I think that we are simply seeing large positions reassert themselves in the market. I believe that we will continue to try to reach towards the 1.3450 level above.



Wednesday 26 July 2017

How Currency Experts Will Ride Thursday's Forex Rollercoaster

Go long the euro. Short the pound. Sell Brazil’s real, the Mexican peso and South Africa’s rand.

These are some of the strategies managers are adopting as they brace for Thursday’s trifecta of disruptions. AMP Capital Investors Ltd.’s Nader Naeimi sees former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony as the biggest wildcard. But he also thinks U.S. bond yields are close to their foundation and the dollar will gain alternative emerging-market currencies. Amundi SA, which supervise more than $1 trillion, is bullish on Europe.

Comey’s appearance before a Congressional panel about his investigation into Donald Trump campaign’s ties to Russia will come just hours after the European Central Bank’s meeting in the Estonian capital, Tallinn. Euro bulls are anxious for signal on whether policy makers will consider unrolling bond acquires. The pound faces its latest Brexit moment on the same day, as the U.K. holds a general election.

There’s more uncertainty brewing next week. The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates June 14 and may offer guidance on both further increases and its thinking on when to start trimming its $4.5 trillion balance sheet. Treasuries have rallied this quarter, with 10-year yields dropping Tuesday to the lowest since November as traders lose confidence economic growth and inflation will accelerate.

“Comey’s testimony is likely to be the highlight,” said Naeimi, who heads a dynamic investment fund in Sydney at AMP Capital, which oversees $120 billion. “Looking at the market placing, investors have turned too defeatist on growth, so the Fed and ECB can lead to large bond-market vaporization.”

The decline in Treasury yields helped send the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index to an eight-month low Tuesday. Investors have grown dubious of so-called reflation trades -- which drove up the currency and yields on optimism the Trump management would enact promises to improve spending. Washington has shown few signs of moving forward with tax and spending reforms.

“I have been of the view that the dollar has seen its peak, but no downtrend unfolds in a straight line,” Naeimi said. “The dollar is about to flex its muscle as bond yields bottom soon.”

QuickTake: Unwinding the Twists, Turns in Trump-Russia Probe

Amundi is bullish on European currencies. While there’s increased political uncertainty in Washington, the immediate risk in the euro area has subsided following Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the French election last month, according to Europe’s largest asset manager. Euro-area economic prospects have also improved, while U.S. data have disappointed.

“There is an increasing divergence between the U.S. and euro zone in terms of political, economic, investment flow momentum,” said James Kwok, London-based head of currency management at Amundi. “While the bolster is expected to hike, the big attention will be more on how ECB will apparatus the exit scheme.”

Ninety percent of respondents in a Bloomberg survey said the ECB will use its meeting on Thursday to acknowledge the risks surrounding the euro area’s recovery are balanced. above that, the 60 analysts are split on whether the central bank will detach its easing bias on attentiveness rates, and the proportion expecting an declaration by September on the future of the bond-buying program has slain since the previous observe.

The euro has strengthened about 7 percent against the dollar in 2017 after dropping in each of the previous three years.

Keith Dack, a senior portfolio manager at Kit Trading Fund in Singapore, said he doesn’t hold any position in the greenback, preferring to “play the crosses.” The hedge-fund manager, who has more than 30 years of trading experience, is betting on gains in the euro and New Zealand dollar and declines in the pound and the Australian currency.

The money managers’ other positions include:

AMP Capital’s Naeimi

  • Holds short positions in the Brazilian real, Mexican peso and South African rand against the dollar as he reduces his fund’s emerging-market holdings significantly in favor of Japanese shares
  • U.S. bond yields have priced in most of the bad news
  • “As bond yields and the dollar rise, EM equities are likely to underperform, while Japanese equities should benefit,” he said. “The currency market looks a perfect place to hedge equity exposure right now”
  • The manager’s flow and sentiment indicators show emerging-market currencies have become crowded trades
  • Impeachment proceedings “highly unlikely” with Republican leadership in the House and Senate even though Comey’s testimony might have a short-term impact                                                                                                                                                                                Amundi’s Kwok                                                                                                                                    
  • Sees gains in euro, Sweden’s krona, Norway’s krone
  • Pound will also strengthen if Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party achieves a majority in parliament
  • “We expect a continued recovery of the European currencies, both in the near and medium term”                                                                                                              
       Kit Trading Fund’s Dack
  • Has been holding long EUR/GBP position
  • “That seems to be the best way to play the upcoming ECB meeting and U.K. elections,” he said. “The ECB is likely to change the wording to highlight the improvement in the European economy”
  • Despite recent polls, May is likely to win with an increased majority in parliament, reshuffle the cabinet and pursue a harder Brexit
  • Holds short GBP/NZD, AUD/NZD

EUR/USD Bulls Seem Exhausted

EUR/USD another rejection?

Price about new highs in the morning, but the bulls failed to keep the rate over the 1.1471 Friday’s high and now is trading in the red. EUR/USD continues to be trapped within a major resistance area, so maybe will be better to stay away till we’ll have a valid breakout from this range.

Is moving somehow sideways on the Daily chart, technically is still showing some exhaustion signs, but we still need a confirmation that will turn to the downside again.

The Euro-zone Final CPI and the Final Core CPI will be released later, remains to see what impact will have. The Final CPI should increase by 1.3% in June, matching the 1.3% growth in the former reading period, while the Final Core CPI may increase by 1.1% in the previous month.

Price slipped below the 1.1450 level as the dollar index managed to rebound and to recover after the impressive sell-off. USDX remains under massive selling pressure on the short term, has found temporary support at the 95.05 level and now is fighting hard to recover.

EUR/USD Daily Chart
Technically, we may still have a Falling Wedge pattern on the USDX if will stay above the 95.00 psychological level.

EUR/USD Daily ChartEUR/USD Daily Chart
EUR/USD re-examined the  average of the ascending pitchfork and the 1.1466 long term static defiance. and now is going down. Technically another leg lower is favored at this moment after the failure to jump above the mentioned resistance levels and after the failure to reach the 1.1488 previous high.
A bearish opportunity will appear if the Rising Wedge pattern will be confirmed, so we have to wait for a valid breakdown from the potential chart pattern to be sure that we’ll have a large corrective phase.

EUR/GBP selling opportunity?

The EUR/GBP dropped significantly in the previous three days and looks determined to reach fresh new lows in the upcoming period. Has fallen in the seller’s territory, so we may have a selling opportunity these days if will come back higher to retest the broken support level.
EUR/GBP Daily Chart EUR/GBP Daily Chart

A sell-off is expected to come after the breakdown below the median line (ml) of the ascending pitchfork, has failed to stay above the 100% Fibonnacci level and above the second warning line (wl2) of the former descending pitchfork.
EUR/GBP Daily Chart

We’ll have a perfect selling opportunity if the rate will come back to test and retest the major confluence area formed between the 100% level, ML and the warning line (wl2). The next downside target will be at the lower median line (LML) of the ascending pitchfork.

EUR/CHF breakout attempt
EUR/CHF Daily Chart EUR/CHF Daily Chart

Price is trading in the green on the Daily chart, signalling that the bulls are still in the game, is still bullish after the minor retreat and looks motivated to climb much higher in the upcoming period. Is trading right above the 1.1050 psychological level and is pressuring the upper median line (UML) of the major ascending pitchfork, a valid breakout will confirm a further increase.

However, another false breakout will send the rate towards the lower median line (lml) of the minor ascending pitchfork.

EUR/CHF Daily Chart
Risk Disclaimer: Trading in general is very risky and is not suited for everyone. There is always a chance of losing some or all of your initial investment/deposit, so do not invest money you can afford to lose. All the analysis, market reports posted on this site are only educational and do not constitute an investment advice or recommendation to open or close positions on international financial markets. The author is not responsible for any loss of profit or damage which may arise from transactions made based on any information on this web site.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Top Down Trading to Determine What Will Most Move Markets

Talking Points:

  • Conditional analysis is specially a top-down approach which speaks to fluidity and participation attentiveness.
  • We can do top-down straining of the larger markets to help us evaluate what is important and how markets will act.

Did you miss the EUR/USD rally as pecuniary policy footing changed these past weeks? Join the Daily FX analysts as they cover event risk and breaking technical as well as undisclosed themes and high potential patterns in a range of webinars. 

How are the markets trading and what are the primary inspirations for those market participants that conjointly dictate the next move of the asset your intend to trade? These are the two primary questions that we should have answers before we ever examine jumping into a remarkable trade. Top down filtering is a sensible way of whittling down a excess of options to setups that are more likely to play out in neighboring conditions. There are a few practical applications for this big picture judgement. One that we have reference frequently as of late is the assessment of market type. Determining whether range, breakaway or trends are the more repeated pace across the financial system can tell us which setups to peruse for probability's goal.

Further, provisional analysis can tap into wider judgement in the market which in turn can return how its participants will change their positioning generally. A drop in vaporization can send traders reaching for yield and in turn amplify short-term volatility on fundamental bombshell. Alternatively, deep fluidity can moisten explorer sway over succeeding price action and further curb vaporization. The preceding are systemic consideration, but we also have top down evaluations for principles. The average trading day is bombarded by high profile event risk; but it doesn't all move the market with the same degree of potency. That is due to the fact that at any given time, putative views are competing for the market's attention. is enough pivot on a single theme, it can prove the most productive driver to be found in the system. The same is generally true of

Doing a top down foundation assessment at this nadir yields definite key beliefs that the global austerity follows suit on. While the Fed's series of rate hikes and other policy conversation have stirred the pot, but the focus as of late has made indistinct what matters to the speculative rank. Relative financial policy - as championed by the Fed and ECB at opposite extremes of the spectrum. It used to be any sudden jolts of vaporization could generate trends and and/or combustible munitions. Yet, interests have focused with remaining powers that reflect protectionism and growth are to other critical themes, but the conclusive interest hone in on the expected change of pecuniary policy programs as a shepherd light for returns. We discuss the top down approach followed for principles in today's Strategy Video.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Gold Prices Extend Gains as USD Plunges- All Eyes on FOMC

Fundamental Forecast for Gold: Bullish
· Soft U.S. data, Yellen commentary weigh on USD, fueling Gold reversal off key support
· What’s driving gold prices? Review DailyFX’s New 3Q Gold Projections
· Join Michael for Live Weekly Strategy Webinars on Mondays at 12:30GMT
Gold prices ricochet for a second successive week with the precious metal rush 2.06% to trade at 1253 ahead of the New York close on Friday. The advance marks the vast weekly gain since May and has been supported by continued weakness in the currency with the DXY down more than 1.3%. await to next week, price action looks poised for another thrust higher with key U.S. event risk on tap.
The FOMC interest rate decision is engaged for Wednesday with traders looking for any adaptation in the central bank’s policy outlook. Gold has been kept floating by a moderate in expectations that the Fed will automatically delivery on its projections for another increase this year. As it stands, market participants are allocate only a 52% chance for a 25bps hike in December. While the implications of a delay in distribution are bullish for bullion, prices are now focus key longer-term defiance targets, putting the topside-bias at risk heading into next week.

Friday 21 July 2017

RBA's Bullock slian banks now more resilient to shocksays Austra

RBA assistant governor Bullock in a scheduled speech 21 July

  • too early to determine the effectiveness of new resolution arrangements for global systemticall important banks
  • higher capital levels, greater supervision have improved resilience of financial system in Australia
  • have highlighted risks from high household debt but also fundamental reasons for rapid house price growth in Sydney and Melbourne
Bullock is talking in Melbourne with a speech entitled "Big banks and financial stability"
Nothing on mon pol in the speech so we'll wait to see if any further comments in Q&A
AUDUSD currently 0.7886 after 0.7875 lows.

I spotted this during the week and thought I'd post it up for the weekend

Its via HSBC, titled 'FX and yield curve', and the broad 'rules of thumb' are summarised below: The market is incr...